You’re busy, busy, busy. Your mind won’t give you a break. You have constant chattering from your inner voice and thoughts that leave you feeling stressed and anxious.

That’s why you need meditation!

Mary is a Certified Primordial Sound Meditation teacher. She enjoyed this training led by Deepak Chopra during her time as a Chopra Center Coach.

Even you, the busiest of people can meditate with this program! You just need meditation practices that are simple and modern, to fit your life today.

Mary can teach you tools and techniques to help you create an enjoyable daily meditation practice that fits into your life and schedule – so you’ll want to sustain it for years to come.

“There were several things that Mary taught me that proved to be incredibly transformative. One of the first things that she did was teach me how to meditate. This was game changing for me personally and professionally. After learning how to meditate, I felt as though I was suited in my protective armor every morning as I set off to work.”