We long for it. We hope for it. We search for it in all its forms; world peace, inner peace, peace in our families our government, communities and more than anything, peace of mind.  

We say we want Peace but we seldom do much to really obtain it. 

Today, I am willing to do my part to create world peace by starting with myself. How? I thought you’d never ask.   

1.    I will notice and surrender my painful self deprecating thoughts

2.    I will look for and identify things that I love and accept about myself

3.    I will treat myself the way that I treat those who I love and respect

4.    I will speak to myself in a loving caring tone, like I would speak to a friend or loved one in need of compassion. 

5. I will take three cleansing breaths, inhaling deeply, holding briefly and releasing effortlessly. Join me, won’t you? I invite you to choose one or more of the suggestions above.  Practice daily and watch your world and the world around look and feel more peaceful. 

Peace Out,
